Do you dream of multiplying the influence of your church through the creation of a simple church or the multiplication of a group of simple churches, in an organic system of networks? If so, you’re in the right place and we’re here to help.
Christian Alliance of Pastors has a Spontaneous Expansion Practicum which is an 8-month virtual learning community designed to help you learn how to start one micro church or multiply in the “Way of Christ and His Apostles”. It all starts with a paradigm shift and the creation of a strategy. We will help you develop an individualized strategic plan, so you can lead a healthy, multiplying church model, and ultimately a thriving network of churches.
Over the course of eight months, you will be coached and guided by CAP Program Managers, Coaches, and Consultants, and connect with other like-minded pastoral visionaries. It is truly an “Iron-sharpening-iron” practicum.
8 virtual training sessions on implementing multiplication practices in your church
Developing a customized action plan to create a new philosophy toward ministry and a practical multiplication strategy
Coaching to help you put your plan into action
Launching a Network-Movement (LANM) takes approximately 12-18 months of planning and execution. However, it starts with one church. CAP uses this time to coach and consult with you, to help you be successful. We want you to create and lead a network of healthy churches established in the "Way of Christ and His Apostles".
LANM prepares you to think apostolically with a world-view, versus a local church view. You will learn the critical process of ongoing leader identification and development. Leader identifying and development is one of the most significant disciplines in the creation and sustaining of an ecclesiastical network or movement of churches.
All Apostolic Leaders and their Leadership Teams should complete this training.
Spontaneous Expansion Introduction – 8 Sessions
Seek the Welfare of the City and Planning sessions on building and sustaining a Church Network-Movement – 12 Sessions
Developing a customized action plan to launch and lead your Network-Movement
Coaching and Consulting to help you put your plan into action
Over the course of eight months, you will be coached and guided by CAP Coaches and Consultants and connect with other like-minded pastoral visionaries. It is truly an “Iron-sharpening-iron” practicum
Clarify your vision
Identify and remove any barriers to launching your strategy
Identify and eliminate funding challenges and opportunities
Create a strategic timeline for executing and sustaining your network-movement
Three (3) other Pastors who may be interested in creating a Network-Movement who will attend a pre-meeting to the intensive
A team of twelve (10-12) individuals committed to launching the network
All team members committed to attending all sessions in the Network-Movement Micro Church Intensive
Move from dreams to executable vision
Develop a strategic plan to lead and sustain a network and movement of churches led by trained, dedicated apostolic leaders
Have all leaders engage in ordered learning and instill movement
Free leaders to focus on relationship building and coaching, rather than processes and procedures
Provide discipleship training through “The First Principles” to accelerate and support the growth and development of the “family” and ultimately the network-movement