

2025 Movemental Learning Experience

Includes 1 Complimentary seats

06/24/2025 - 11/18/2025 - 6:00PM to 9:00PM

Learn how to create movement or multiplication in your church! Learn how a movement thinks and acts, and how it differs from standard forms of church structure. Learn to apply movement/multiplication thinking through a process called systematic metanoia, which involves the thoughtful building or rebuilding of your current thinking.


CAP GoodChurch Intensive

Includes 1 Complimentary seats

07/08/2025 - 07/10/2025 - 8:30AM to 6:00PM

CAP GOODCHURCH is a FREE 2.5-day workshop that teaches Pastors and Church Planters how to cast vision and successfully organize and operate a church. Only the first 25 registrants (including Spouses) will be allowed to participate in CAP GoodChurch, so, please register today!


CAP GoodChurch | Children's Ministry Intensive


07/17/2025 - 7:00PM to 8:30PM

“More than half the people who will ever believe in Christ will do so by the age of twelve (12).” Let that sink in for a minute….


Discipleship Track Train-the-Trainer Intensive


07/26/2025 - 10:00AM to 4:00PM

This session is designed to train Pastors and a maximum of 2 of their Leaders on how to deliver the First Principles Discipleship Track materials. Each Pastor and Leader must register individually.


October 14, 2025 Pastors' Roundtable

Includes 1 Complimentary seats

10/14/2025 - 10:00AM to 2:00PM

Bishop Bronner is an Apostolic voice for this time in church history and has a special word for Pastors! If you are a Senior/Lead Pastor of a church you must find the time to be at this Pastors' Roundtable. You and your spouse/ministry partner are invited to attend this session. Seating is limited, so please register today!